
Commenting made easy.

No complicated backend configuration. Add a comment section anywhere – even if you use plain HTML, we got you covered.
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Plain HTML is enough

You never have to worry about backend, server, anything. Simply add an <iframe> to your HTML and you're all set!

Work out of the box for all tools and frameworks: Jekyll, React, Vue, you name it. Heck, it even works for good old plain HTML.

146      <span>Last updated: 1 January 2022</span>
147    </div>
148  </section>
149  <section id="comments">
150    <iframe src="https://api.ezkomment.joulev.dev/..."></iframe>
151  </section>
153<footer class="footer">
154  <div class="footer-left-column">

Moderating your comments

Built-in moderation tool for your comments. All comments need to be manually approved by you before they go public.

Think it's not worth the work? You can disable it at any time!

John Doe
This is a nice article. However, I think the part about CSS is slightly misleading.
ABC Tech Support
WARNING your computer has been infected with a virus. please get help immediately by calling us at 0123456

Customising to your heart's content

You can change the look and feel of your comments section to your liking and your page's design: the HTML and CSS of the comment section can be completely customised. Oh, and you can even have dark mode.

The Monaco editor, which also powers Visual Studio Code, is provided to help you do almost anything you want.


Powerful API for power users

With the powerful API provided, you can really do anything you want with the comments. Absolutely zero restrictions on your creativity, be it custom JavaScript, fetching additional resources, paginations, etc.

It's even more powerful, feature-rich than the built-in tools above.

> const res = await fetcher(url, { page: "873e276648d48e4fd1e1" });
> res.status
> const { comments } = await res.json();
> comments
    author: "John Doe",
    timestamp: "2020-06-01T12:00:00.000Z",
    content: "This is a comment",

… and much more!

Why not join now to play with it yourself?